Monday, 21 July 2008

My Cornhill diary 01 21.07.2008

Continued from Coney Weston 28.04.2008-20.07.2008

Monday 21 July 2008 - Visited The English Whiskey Company, St. George's Distillery just outside East Harling Fabulous space, but rules and regulations covering commercial space and rates may hinder any art activity.

Tuesday 22 July 2008 - Visited HMP Highpoint and Samuel Ward Arts & Technology College. Had an interesting conversation with Russel about circular rainbows...
Came home to find this powerful YouTube message from Dennis Kucinich...

Wednesday 23 July 2008 - Ben from Heaven
came to the village with Katie and Simon to transport the paintings from A to B...

Saturday 26 July 2008 - extraordinary few days of news ignored by UK mainstream media: E
dgar Mitchell UFO interview on Kerrang Radio 23 July 2008...
Ex-Military Officers Tell Larry King About UFOs
Ron Paul on the Housing Bill...
Bugliosi tells Congress: Bush guilty of 1st degree murder...
Delusions of Debt – The Ron Paul Solution...

This is taken from the BBC website including a 4.35min interview with Gary McKinnon. An interesting point is the involvement and judgement by Lord Brown who served until April 2006 as Intelligence Services Commissioner...
Hacker vows to fight extradition

Conclusions from the village hall experience - I've been to Samuel Ward Art & Technology College where I met the head of the art department; been to HMP Highpoint with a view to painting with prisoners in September; generated local media coverage; met Joolz who has offered to produce a working commercial website; opened the doors to the local public who appeared to enjoy my work. For sure, when some one sees the work and the exhibition, it is better than just a spoken pitch.

Saturday about 9.45am I had a visit from the owner of Coney Weston Hall and his colleague, asking if I'd visited his front door the previous evening. Apparently, the figure on his CCTV looked liked me. This inferred I had squeezed through the side of his gate and wandered up the lengthy drive unannounced and uninvited. How bizarre, but I assured him it most definitely wasn't me. I took the opportunity to suggest he do something with the old US aerodrome airstrip building opposite his new main gates. Apparently, US veterans like to visit the property since dead servicemen were taken there to rest before being moved on. I later visited friends who told me how US band leader Glen Miller once performed on the land currently called Heaven where can be found and that a pilot flew his Flying Fortress bomber through the hanger to celebrate his 25th successful mission. Oh yes, Coney Weston is steeped in history.

I visited Redgrave Church and met Bob and June. I took my paintings Albert Munro and Winston Churchill for them to view within the venue.

Sunday 03 August 2008 - A US radio interview: The Non-Aggression Axiom...

Tuesday 05 August 2008 - News on the American banking situation...

Thursday 07 August - Went to Diss this morning to view The Old Stables Gallery as suggested by Diss Town Clerk Deborah Sarson. Unfortunately the space is too small for my plans. However, I did notice an empty property at 10-11 Mere Street. Have sent a proposal to property agents as advertised to open the space and produce an exhibition. Fabulous space sitting dark, empty and inviting no one inside.
Went to Bazza & Burston's Busking Bonanza this evening with Nick at The Burston Crown, Mill Road, Burston, Diss, Norfolk IP22 5TW, tel: 01379 741 257. Nick played Marc Bolan songs. I got up, played and sang a couple of NPP songs with Baz on snare drum. Absolute thrill. Thanks Baz.

Saturday 09 August 2008 - I was searching the Arsenal section on the BBC website for a live link to the Arsenal vs. Sevilla friendly. A soldier in Iraq was doing the same thing asking for a link and it instigated a debate about Iraq...
...which led to my introduction to this website Iraq Body Count...
Arsenal 1 Sevilla 1

Reading the book: The day After Roswell by Col. Philip J. Corso (pub 1997). In it he mentions an Italian Doctor Castellani who in the 1930's and 40's concluded many skin rashes, psoriasis or inflammations that looked like bacterial infections were correctable by changing the skin's electromagnetic resonance. He developed ointments which were chemical reactions that changed the electrostatic condition of the skin allowing the long, low-frequency waves from the brain do the healing. He said directed electromagnetic wave propagation can cure heart disease, arthritis, all types of bacterial infections that interfered with cell function and certain forms of cancer.
Why isn't mainstream medicine using this knowledge?

An interesting fact: in 1913 the US Federal reserve was founded and income tax introduced. What a coincidence!

I am very disenchanted with our current national foreign policy; indeed most of our domestic policies too. For example, it is so obvious 9/11 official story is littered with inconsistencies, surely I could do just as good a job for my country's intelligent services. So, I considered applying which you can do so here to the SIS, Secret Intelligence Services...
The contact address for the public is: PO Box 1300, London SE1 1BD.
However, I read you are not supposed to tell anyone about an application and I'd already discussed it with my mum, so never mind. I also began filling in an application form for Community Support Officer with the Suffolk Police, but the forms are ridiculous e.g. the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form which is standard practise for conventional job application is just so mind numbingly absurd, I'm never going to fit in with such a mentality.

Wednesday 13 August 2008 - Ned Guinness called me. We laughed because there aren't many of us around. 1st leg Champions League qualifier FC Twente 0-2 Arsenal.

Next day. This might be a future PR shot...

Walked down the road to Heaven...

Friday 15 August 2008 - Went to Thetford with Ben. Visited the Art Gallery, the Tourist Info Centre, Thetford & Brandon Times, King House (no one there) and The Ancient House Museum where we tried on a Viking helmet...

We also discovered info about Duleep Singh, Thomas Paine and so forth...

News interview footage from the US where Georgian girl and woman try to tell US TV the truth...
Another chap posting his viewpoint...

What are chem trails? Are they real or the imaginative invention of internet enthusiasts? As the chap says at about 3:10 mins into this film, 'what is going on in the sky today?'.......

Go to My Cornhill diary 02 19.08.2008