Tuesday, 19 August 2008

My Cornhill diary 02 19.08.2008

Continued from My Cornhill diary 01 19.08.2008

Tuesday 19 August 2008 - visited Christine Harrod at Cornhill Walk in Bury St. Edmunds. Met Ian the security guard. I think I might produce an exhibition there and display Albert Munroe and co. for a couple of weeks...

Call from HMP Highpoint. Following a meeting with a government representative, my painting gig has been postponed since they are planning building work at the prison; not much point in painting a wall about to be knocked down.

Friday 22 August 2008 - Julian arranged for my visit to The Shrubbery 1-5pm to record a dozen songs with acoustic guitar and Richard the sound engineer...

Afterwards, Julian and I went to Valley Connection for a curry: 42 Churchgate Street 01284 753 161. We walked in and were asked if we had made a booking? The attitude was not overly welcoming, however the place was virtually empty, so we were allotted a table.

Friday 29 August 2008 - yesterday early evening and early this morning went up in a balloon with Neil, Ivan and Martine.


Suffolk landscape...

A military helicopter comes near...

Experimental crop field...

Bonfire next to a church...

.... further along...

.... in the next field, crop art with a different slant...

Another short film on Nikola Tesla - The Forgotten Wizard...

Tuesday 02 September 2008 - the rain pours, the radio is on, Man City have bought Robinho for £32million, the £ loses value against the Euro, I send out a Cornhill Press Release, deliver some A4 posters to local contacts, visit Ben to confirm a van to collect my paintings for delivery to Bury St. Edmunds on Monday. This is funny and informative: Camera Shy Big Brother...

Thursday 04 September 2008 - yesterday met security guard Ed at Cornhill Walk and enjoyed a most congenial chat. Today I'd like to mention the motto of the Borough of St. Edmundsbury:
Sacrarium Regis, Cunabula Legis
which means:
Shrine of a King, Cradle of the Law
...well, 869 AD the Danes killed St Edmund, King of the Angles and hence his shrine is the area of BSE. Kings and Queens? History infers they have a tendency to borrow and steal the public purse, but anyway, more importantly for me today, in 1214 the barons of England met in the Abbey church and swore an oath that they would force King John to accept the Charter of Liberties which became known as the 'Magna Carta'; for those who wish to know...

Watch this space for a new portrait of St. Edmund to be painted live at Cornhill Walk Bury St. Edmunds. Now, photography was a tad limited in 869 AD and the only drawn or painted depictions of St. Edmund are vague to say the least, so this new portrait may be more 'Nedmund' than Edmund. On the crown I intend to have the date 1214. It may be a drop in the ocean, but it may start ripples and waves as per taking action as is currently within my power to do so. The first local newspaper interview I'm told will be Monday 08 Sept afternoon. Let's see what acorns can be planted.

I like this speech by Jesse Ventura...
There was a Rally For The Republic 02.09.2008 at which Ron Paul also spoke...

Alternative energy. Apparently, Inventor and Head Project Manager Mr Stefan Nystrom has gone missing...

Another 9/11 film sent to me...

Friday 05 September 2008 - This morning went into Bury to attend various chores. Went into newly opened Ruin Bar & Club for a coffee out of the rain. Met Matt and Hannah and wish them luck...

Took notes of BSE landmarks for a future painting including the Greene King motif...

Visited the plaque which marks the spot where the Charter of Liberties was signed in 1214...

This evening I attended 'Artworks' of '30 leading East Anglian artists' including Ben Platts-Mills whom I accompanied to Blackthorpe Barn, Rougham.

The up coming Cornhill Walk gig was given a substantial mention in the Bury Free Press Lifestyle supplement...

Simon, whose work can be viewed here http://www.uvartist.com/ sent me this...
Now, on the one hand, it is interesting and if accurate, concerning news about future corporate plans for the internet; basically the public will pay for restricted access to material now readily available and free. On the other hand there is an 'ad' inviting you to click onto 'advice from Tania'. She looks and sounds most entertaining, but it does rather weaken the powerful message of corporate internet take over.

Sunday 07 September 2008 - Parish Councilor Joanne Spicer officially opened the new Coney Weston village children's playground...

It was pissing with rain yet 50-75 people turned up. It was a really cool turn out, the rain ceased for an hour or so, there was free wine and the sun even shone down on us. A super cool event..

Go to My Cornhill diary 03 08.09.2008